
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tender roasted beef

Practice makes perfect alright. I've purchased some round beef steak that is very lean. So the challenge is to cook it until soft. With time, I'm getting it better. The trick is really to slow cook it at such a low temperature that the liquid barely bubble once in a few minutes the whole time of braising. Once the beef is done, it can be stored apart from the liquid. The liquid can be boiled for a few minutes and then saved as stock. To make a stew with fresh vegetables, tender beef and savory gravy here is my approach:

Recipe: Tender roasted beef (for 1)

- 1 slice of slow-cooked beef round steak, 1-1.5" thick, very lean
- 1 cup of green beans chopped
- 1/2 cup of carrot chopped
- 4 cups of stock from cooking the beef
- 1/2 cup tomato sauce

1. Heat the stock with the slow-cooked beef round steak in a saucepan, until boiling. Allow the stock to boil for a minute. Then take out the beef.
2. Use the boiling stock to blanch the chopped vegetables, taking about 1 minute or less.
3. Take vegetables out immediately and allow to drain off any excess water while cooling.
4. Boil the stock with tomato sauce until the mixture is reduced to a gravy of desirable thickness, about 1/2 cup.
5. Return the beef and the vegetables to the saucepan to mix with the sauce, taking 1 minute.
6. Serve right away.

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