
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Seafood dinner

It's all because of a friend who gave me an avocado. Never really known much about it, I went to JOY of cooking to find out how to handle it. The authors suggested making an avocado cup of seafood salad. That really sound yummy to me. But just one avocado cup doesn't make a dinner. So I ended up scouting a lot for seafood to make tonight's seafood dinner.

Recipe 1: Avocado salad (for 2)

- 1 black avocado
- about 10-15 medium shrimps, shelled and de-veined
- 1/4 cup mayonnaise
- 1/2 tp caper
- 2-3 TB raw fresh corn kernels
- lemon juice
- dash of celery seeds
- 1 TB oil

1. Half avocado. Remove the large seed with a spoon. Rub the cut surface with lemon juice. Keep the halves chilled until use.
2. To pan fry raw shrimps: heat 1 TB oil on medium to med-high heat in a non-stick pan. Lay shrimps on the pan and allow to fry without touching, until the top and the edge are almost cooked (about 2 minutes). Then flip once. Add fresh corn kernels into the pan to fry in the oil for just 30 second. Place shrimps and corn kernels in a small bowl and allow to cool down. Then add caper, celery seeds and mayonnaise. Mixes very well to form a salad. Scoop salad into the avocado cups. Chill until serve.

Recipe 2: Salmon tofu (for 2)

- 1 small pack of silken tofu
- salmon fillet, about 4 oz raw
- 2 TB dried scallops, soaked in 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup sweet peas
- 1/4 cup cream of chicken
- pepper

1. Cut salmon fillet into 2"x1" strips. Pan fry in 1 TB oil or in the pan from cooking shrimps (see above).
2. Slice tofu into 2"x1" strips. Add to pan, along with soaked scallops. Allow to cook without much water.
3. Dilute cream of chicken in the water that soaked scallop. Then add to pan. Turn heat to med-high. Allow to cook until thickened.
4. Add pepper and sweet peas. Cook for 30 seconds. Serve hot.

Lastly, we have the stuffed clams from Giants. They look great. The instructions say they can be microwaved for 4 minutes. I tried 3.5 minutes, then transferring the clams to the toaster oven at 450F to give them a nice finish. The result is that the stuffings seem too tough.

I love the avocado seafood salad!!

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