
Saturday, July 17, 2010

egg casserole breakfast

A few people have brought an egg casserole dish for brunch and congregational dinners. I love those dishes, and very much wish that I can make them. Here is my first attempt, with my homemade cereal bread.

Recipe: Cereal bread egg casserole (for 1)

- 1 to 2 slices of cereal bread
- 1 TB fried fresh sausage
- 1 tp pepperoni
- 3 TB shredded cheddar cheese
- 1 egg
- about 1/4 to 1/2 cup whole evaporated milk
- 1 tp honey

1. Cut cereal bread into 1/8" thick pieces.
2. Line a small baking dish with bread pieces.
3. Add a layer of sausage and pepperoni. Then sprinkle a layer of cheese.
4. Cover the top with a layer of bread pieces.
5. Beat egg with evaporated milk and honey. Pour onto the bread.
6. Swirl the liquid around the pan until the bread has absorbed most of the liquid.
7. Use a fork to press the bread down.
8. Chill overnight.
9. Bake at 350F until cheese is melted.

Day 1, 10:31pm, most of the ingredients;

Day 1, 10:34pm, bread sliced to thin strips:

Day 1, 10:35pm, bottom layer:

Day 1, 10:35pm, layered with meat:

Day 1, 10:37pm, layered with cheese:

Day 1, 10:37pm, top layer:

Day 1, 10:41pm, egg, milk and honey:

Day 1, 10:46pm, egg mixture:

Day 1, 10:48pm, wet ingredients added:

Day 1, 10:50pm, additional milk needed:

Day 1, 10:54pm, bread pressed hard to get soaked:

Day 1, 10:55pm, topped with cheese and ready to chill:

Day 2, 10:12am, baked 30 minutes at 350F in toaster oven, first covered, then uncovered for the last 15 minutes:

The crumb is a little tough. Maybe there is just not enough egg and liquid.

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