
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chinese broccoli and chicken breast in furu sauce

I tried something new today: frying Chinese broccoli with furu. It turns out really good!

Recipe: Chinese broccoli and chicken breast in furu sauce (for 1 to 2)

- about 6 stalks of Chinese broccoli
- 1/4 of a chicken breast, cut into 1" pieces
- 5-6 cubes of furu (fermented tofu)
- 1/4 cup meat stock
- 2 TB vegetable oil

1. Wash Chinese broccoli. Separate stems from leaves. Cut stems into 1" pieces, sliced diagonally.
2. Heat oil in non-stick pan on medium heat. Add furu and smash. Add chicken pieces. Cook on medium heat until chicken pieces are almost cooked.
3. Add broccoli stems and stir. Turn heat to med-high or high. When the bottom of pan appears to dry up, add meat stock in about 2 TB. Once the stock is added, the vegetables will cook in the steam.
4. Add leaves of the broccoli. Cook likewise until the leaves freshen in color.
5. Serve hot.

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