
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

roasted beef

I seldom handle large chunks of meat. The sheer size bothers me. But this week I managed to pick a small piece of beef for pot roast at $1.79 a pound. The cut was quite lean. So I came home and tried to cook it in a medium pot. It turned out really good, especially when served with gravy in a sandwich.

Recipe: Pot roasted beef

- 2 lb choice beef chuck, boneless eye roast cut, about 2 inches thick
- 1 glass red wine
- 1/2 can guinness
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 teaspoon (tp) red chili flakes
-  6 dried bay leaves
- water to cover the beef

Place the beef in a pot that just fits it (note that the beef will shrink with cooking). Add water to nearly cover the beef. Heat the water to a boil. Add in the wine, guinness, and all the other seasonings. Turn heat down to low or med-low. The pot should stop boiling. Very small bubbles may surface once every few seconds. Allow the pot to sit on this heat for 2 hours. The pot should be hot but not burning the hand when touched. When done, take the beef out and allow to sit on a plate for 5 minutes. Slice and chill.

This roast beef tastes very good in a sandwich of hearty whole grain bread.

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