
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kelp and shrimp soup

Spring is near. I decided to have a light seafood soup dinner using salted kelp. Kelp is a type of seawood that is rather big. Its texture is like gelatin, but with a distinctive flavor of the sea. The longer it is cooked, the more it softens. I prefer it a little crispy. Here is the recipe that seems to go well with tofu. The sweet peas, squash and carrot add a little bit of sweetness to the otherwise salty soup. In cooking this soup, the ingredients are added in the order in which they take time to cook. It takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on how much one wants the noodles and the vegetables to be cooked. The shrimps are cooked last because they only take seconds.

Recipe: Kelp and shrimp soup with mung bean noodles (for 2)

- 1 oz mung bean noodles
- 4 cup meat stock
- 1/4 cup salted kelp, rinsed, soaked and drained to remove excess salt
- 1/2 pack tofu
- 1 tablespoon (TB) sweet peas
- 1 TB carrots sliced
- 1/4 cup raw acorn squash
- 8 medium shelled raw shrimps
- 1 cup Korean cabbage
- a few drops of spicy sesame oil

Boil cabbage and kelp in meat stock for 20 minutes. Add the mung bean noodles, acorn squash and carrots. Boil for another 10 minutes or until noodles are soft. Add tofu and sweet peas, and allow to cook for 2-3 minutes. Lastly, add the shrimps and serve once the shrimps turn pink (about 30 seconds). Sprinkle a few drops of spicy sesame oil on top.

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