
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cooked ham broccoli slaw

Again and again I find myself drawn to the weekly sales items in the grocery store. This time, it's the broccoli slaw, which I normally care very little about because I always prefer whole vegetables. And then, at dinner, I found myself totally stuck in front of my bowl of broccoli slaw. It felt like straw. Eventually, I brought the whole bowl of straw back to the kitchen, pour it into a sauce pan with some olive oil and give it some softening heat. It tasted so much better afterwards! The conclusion today is that broccoli slaw really needs some mild cooking before it's edible to me.

Recipe: Cooked ham broccoli slaw (for 1)

- 2 cup broccoli slaw from package
- 1 tablespoon (TB) chipotle salad vinegar (a mix of chipotle pepper, rosemary, herbs and balsamic vinegar)
- 1 TB olive oil
- 1/4 cup cooked ham, sliced

Warm olive oil in a pan. Add broccoli slaw and salad vinegar. Stir on med-high heat until broccoli slightly softens. The shredded broccoli should soften very quickly (in about 1-3 minutes). It should be only very slightly cooked. Serve right away.

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