
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Refining yogurt chicken fillet

With time, my yogurt chicken fillet keeps getting better. Now I am learning to make a sauce out of the browned yogurt when pan frying chicken fillet. Yogurt tends to get cooked and burnt easily. So it needs to be watched very carefully while cooking. It seems to be at its best when it's cooked to a deep brown but not burnt yet. The color looks like paprika, and has a fine taste that is nothing like diary.

Recipe: Yogurt chicken fillet with yogurt sauce

- 1 boneless skinless chicken breast, sliced to fillets
- 1/3 cup homemade yogurt, using milk with 1% milk-fat
- 1 tp garlic powder
- dash of lemon dill flakes
- dash of turmeric (optional)
- green part of spring onion, finely chopped
- 1-2 TB oil

1. Stir the yogurt to form a smooth paste. Marinate chicken breast fillets in yogurt overnight in the fridge.
2. 20 minutes before cooking, take chicken out of the fridge to warm up.
3. Heat oil in a flat non-stick frying pan on high heat. Place chicken fillets with all of the yogurt marinate on the oiled pan and allow to sizzle. Sprinkle garlic powder and lemon dill flakes on top while cooking. Plenty of water will come out from the chicken. Turn heat down to med-high or medium. When the chicken is half-cooked, move each piece gently to prevent sticking. Scrub off any bits of yogurt that is sticking on the pan. Allow to continue cooking until almost cooked. Flip each piece to cook the other side. The cooked side to be golden brown. If not browned enough, flip the side down to brown a bit more. Do not allow the pan to dry out completely and burn the yogurt.
4. Mix about 1/4 cup of yogurt with garlic powder and turmeric. When the liquid on the pan's bottom is almost dry out, add in the yogurt mixture and turn heat down to med-low. Mix with the browned liquid in the pan. Cook until the yogurt forms a sauce.
5. Serve when the sauce is ready. Top with greens of spring onion.

Oh very very yummy!

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