
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Phili cheese steak

During the very cold winter we just had, my husband and I had to take turn to shovel snow. We worked on a 2-hour shift. When he was out there, I would be home to bake and cook, so that when he came home, the first thing that greeted him would be the warmth of food. It was on one of those snow days that I thought of trying out the Phili cheese steak sandwich, which should give ample calories for a work day like that. My first experiment was pretty good.

Recipe: Phili cheese steak sandwich

- 2 whole wheat hot dog buns
- 8 oz lean beef, very thinly sliced (available in some Korean markets)
- 1 TB worcestershire sauce
- 1 TB catchup
- dash of pepper
- 1/2 small red onion, very thinly sliced
- 2 slices of cheddar cheese
- 1 TB oil (optional)

1. Cook beef in a non-stick pan (optionally with oil) on high heat, until the beef gives out ample water. Add in the red onion. Add worcestershire sauce and pepper. Allow to cook until the onions are soft. Add catchup and mix well. Allow the liquid to almost dry off from the mixture.
2. Push the mixture to one side of the pan. Open the hot dog buns and place the inner sides on the hot surface of the non-stick pan. Allow the surface to be toasted by the heat. Remove the beef mixture if its liquid is making the buns too wet (and replace them back when the buns are done toasting).
3. When the buns are toasted, place a slice of cheese on half the beef mixture and allow the cheese to melt on top of the beef. Once the cheese is melting, place a bun on it, and using a spatula, flip the beef into the bun.

A perfect winter lunch!

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