
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Turkish poached egg!

Food from central and west Asia fascinates me for their use of spices and herbs. I simply love the fineness of flavor and aroma characteristic of that region. I found a Turkish egg recipe called Cilbir from a lady called Burcu (I really love her food blog!) That recipe seemed so simple that I decided to try it out someday with homemade yogurt. After the experiment, I concluded that the dish is indeed simple. But the taste is so lovely and so perfect, it's unbelievable. So I decided to jot it down for my memory.

Recipe: Turkish poached egg, from Burcu (for 1)

- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoon (TB) homemade yogurt
- dash of garlic powder
- about 1/2 teaspoon butter
- dash of mint flakes, finely mushed
- dash of paprika
- water
- 1 TB vinegar

1. To poach the egg, prepare a sauce pan of water. Bring to boil and add 1 TB vinegar. Then turn it down to stop the boiling, but keep the water hot and steaming. Break an egg in a small bowl. Do not break the yoke. Glide the egg carefully into the water. The egg will sink to the bottom. Do not allow it to stick. The water temperature is just right if there are small bubbles at the bottom. Allow to stay in this temperature for about 3-4 minutes, moving the egg ever so gently every now and then. After 3-4 minutes, the egg white will become a soft solid while the yolk is still liquid. Take out the egg.
2. Mix 2 TB yogurt with garlic powder. Pour onto the egg. Then sprinkle mint and paprika on top. Melt butter and pour onto the egg. Serve right away with low-salt wheat crackers.

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