
Friday, February 5, 2010

Persian yogurt spinach

Persian food is fantastic, whether it's a simple or a complex dish. It was at a friend's home that I ate her homemade Persian yogurt spinach. I simply could not forget about it ever since. So I tried making it myself. It's such a simple dish, you'd think everyone could make it. But I did make a few awful mistakes such as: keeping too much liquid from the spinach, overcooking the spinach, and (the worst being) adding the yogurt to the hot spinach! Finally I've got it right, and it's so very lovely, tasty, filling, everything...

Recipe: Persian yogurt spinach (for 1)

- 10 oz pre-washed spinach from package
- 1/4 cup whole milk yogurt (or to taste, up to half the volume of the cooked spinach)
- 1 tablespoon (TB) garlic powder (or to taste)

1. Heat the spinach in a pot on medium heat, with at most 1 TB water at the bottom (if spinach needs to be washed before cooking, then drain all water before use). Spinach tends to shrink rapidly when heated. When the spinach at the bottom of the pot has shrunk, stir and mix in the uncooked leaves. Allow all the leaves to be cooked without overcooking (taking about 5 minutes).
2. Once the leaves are cooked, drain most of the liquid without squeezing the spinach. Allow the spinach to cool. Drain again when the spinach has cooled to room temperature.
3. After the spinach has cooled, mix yogurt, garlic powder and spinach. Serve right away or after chilling.

It's so very tasty! I feel that spinach really needs a whole milk yogurt to smoothen out its own sharp flavor. The garlic powder adds so much richness to the taste of the dish.

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