
Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese chive omelette

Unlike the small chive that is typically used as an herb, the Chinese chive is eaten as a vegetable. I'm among those who like its strong flavor. This love for it gives me the motivation to find different ways to combine it with other types of ingredients. Here is one experiment, in which the Chinese chive is combined with spring onion to make an omelette. The spring onion is used in this dish only to offer a sharp crispy feel. Since both greens do not have that much water in them, frying them in an omelette is a quick job.

Recipe: Chinese chive omelette (for 2)

- 1.5 cup Chinese chive, finely chopped
- 1 stem of spring onion, finely chopped
- 1 to 2 medium eggs, beaten
- 1 tablespoon (TB) rice flour
- 1 TB water

Place Chinese chive and spring onion in a bowl. dissolve rice flour in water and mix with eggs. Add to the greens. Mix thoroughly to make sure the greens are moist with the liquid. Coat a flat frying pan with a very thin layer of oil and set on high heat. Add the egg mixture and spread the greens uniformly over the pan. Lower heat to medium. When the bottom side of the mixture starts to harden, very gently detach it from pan. Flip to cook the top side. Shake to prevent sticking. Serve hot.

I love the aroma of the Chinese chive with egg when the omelette is sizzling on the pan!

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