
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving is special

Thanksgiving often brings back the fond memory of a special friend who made this festival truly a time of thanksgiving. It was few years back when I was still in graduate school. As with most international students who had no homes to return for a festival, I was planning to work all day on research in the office. Lunch time drew near. My friend called and said she was going to come over to my office. I was surprised that she wasn't at her parents'. Shortly she showed up with a whole big package of food, all fresh and warm from the kitchen. It was her mother's cooking for the day. She came just to deliver this special meal. After she left, I opened the containers and found myself dazzled by the array of traditional Thanksgiving dishes. There were meats, squash, sweet peas (so sweet that, to date, I still feel it in my mouth!), desserts and much more. Though I was munching alone in the office, I felt as if eating this meal at my friend's home with her family. So warm! This Thanksgiving, I find myself doing the same thing as she did. After each day of busying and running around, I find my night lovely and my dream sweet with new thoughts of food. Thank God for such a gift of joy.

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