
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First encounters with shrimps

Shrimp is one of the simplest to cook, provided they are fresh. As with most other seafood, it is very sensitive to heat. It takes only a few minutes to get done. One more minute, and it will be overcooked. My first shrimp experiments have been generally successful. The shrimps are fresh, though not alive. So I marinate them with a little sugar (1 teaspoon sugar to 1/2 lb of shrimps) and let them sit in the fridge for 2 hours. The sugar helps make the shrimps more crisp instead of rubbery. Before cooking, I drain the water from the shrimp. Then just pan fry them in a little oil. It's better to shell the shrimps before frying. This enables faster and better cooking. I also clean the interiors of the shrimps while shelling. In the first minute of frying, the shrimps sizzle a bit in the water they give out. Then the bottom side turns pink. It's time to flip to the other side. When the other side is done, take it out. Sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper if desired.

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