
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Green peppers stuffed with succotash

It was out of curiosity that I bought a can of succotash home. Never heard of its name, I was wondering what it was. Then when I opened the can, I realized it's a bean stew. So I had to think of a way to eat it. What came to mind was that the flavor of tomatoes in this succotash may match green peppers. So I boiled the succotash with some rich and ground turkey meat. Then I stuffed it into some green peppers. Here comes my exciting stuffed green peppers.

Recipe: Green peppers stuffed with succotash

- 2 green peppers
- 1 can of succotash
- 1/4 cup uncooked jasmine rice
- 1/2 cup ground turkey or fresh sausage meat

1. Boil succotash with rice and meat until the everything is cooked and the liquid is boiled down.
2. Cut the peppers, empty seeds. Then stuff with the cooked mixture.
3. Bake at 350F until the green peppers are cooked.

Since all the ingredients are already cooked before baking, the baking time is rather flexible. The primary purpose of baking is actually to let the flavor of the stuffed pepper develop in gentle heat.

1 comment:

  1. the first pisture looks like a freak'n face
