
Friday, June 18, 2010

Chicken in wild rice tomato sauce

I didn't know wild rice can go so well with chicken in tomato sauce. Here is a new attempt.

Recipe: Chicken fillet in wild rice tomato sauce (for 2-3)

- 2 skinless boneless chicken breasts, sliced very thinly to about 1/8" to 1/4" thick
- 1/2 cup fully cooked wild rice
- 2 tp tomato paste
- 2 TB tomato pasta sauce
- 1.5 cup chicken stock
- garlic powder
- paprika powder
- 4 TB vegetable oil

1. The wild rice for this recipe must be thoroughly cooked until the grains are all wide open. It takes about 40 minutes. Drain any excess liquid.
2. Sprinkle garlic and paprika powders on sliced chicken breasts.
3. Pan fry the chicken in vegetable oil, until both sides are slightly browned.
4. Place the chicken uniformly on a baking pan.
5. Mix tomato paste and tomato sauce with chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Add wild rice.
6. Pour the grain and tomato mixture into the baking pan. The chicken should be half submerged in the sauce.
7. Bake at 300F for 30 minutes or until the mixture boils. Then turn heat off. Allow the sauce to thicken. Serve hot.

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