
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Guess what this is!

It's cactus being grilled. I saw some cactus in the market, and was very curious about what to do with it. So I got a pack. Then, during one of the dinners with friends, we decided to try out grilling it. The tough part about handling cactus is the thorns. They are really tough to remove. Not that they stick to the leaf, but they poke my fingers a lot and it hurt. After some unsuccessful attempts to pull them off, I finally decided to just peel of the parts where the thorns grew out of the leaf. That was easier.

Once there is a cut on the leaf, juice would ooze out. So I had to work rather fast to remove all the thorns. Then I just coated both sides of the leaf with oil and placed it on the grill. It took about 10 minutes to caramelize each side. When it's cooked, it tasted surprising like green pepper!

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