
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Douchi shark baked rice

This is one of my signature dishes at home. We like the taste of douche sauce on the rice. I used to cook the rice with the rice cooker, separately from the shark. But this time, I decided to try cooking the rice in the oven and add the shark to it. The heavy glassware I used to bake this dish kept the rice very moist while the shark is just done.

Douchi shark baked rice (for 2-3)

- 1 lb shark meat without bone, cut to 2" pieces
- 3 tablespoon (TB) douchi sauce (fermented black bean sauce)
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 3 salted anchovy fillets in olive oil
- 1 TB sesame oil for marination
- 3 TB white wine
- 2 stalks of spring onions, chopped
- 1 TB sesame oil at serving

- 3/4 cup jasmine rice
- about 1 cup water


1. Finely mince the anchovy fillets, mix with chopped garlic and douchi sauce. Then add the mixture to the shark meat and coat all surfaces of the shark well with the sauce. Add sesame oil to give the meat a smooth feel. Allow to marinate for about 15-30 minutes.
2. Wash rice and place in a heavy glass baking pan. Add water. The level of water should be above the level of the rice by about 1/4 the height of the rice. Bake at 350F with lid for about 20 minutes. When done, the rice should be just cooked, but a little dry on top.
3. When rice is done as described, stir the rice to loosen the grains a little. Then spread the marinated shark meat evenly on top of the rice. Sprinkle 3 TB white wine evenly on top of the meat. Then cover lid and bake at 375F for about 30 minutes or until the shark meat is just done. The shark is cooked when the aroma of anchovy and douchi diffuses into the air.
4. When the shark is done, turn oven off. Spread the chopped spring onion evenly on top of the shark. Sprinkle 1 TB sesame oil. Cover lid again. Return to oven and allow to keep warm for about 5-10 minutes, and no more than 10 minutes. The moist heat in the glass pan should warm up the sesame oil and the spring onion to give a very fresh smell. But if the pan stays in the oven for too long, the spring onion will be cooked and loses its vibrance.
5. Serve right away.

When the moisture is nicely controlled, the rice is moist and saturated with the flavor of douchi and shark. A little crust of browned rice may form at the bottom of the pan.

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