
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tofu in oven

Oven is a very fine equipment. I love it so much. Recently I started exploring tofu's behavior in it. Tofu tends to give out plenty of water when heated. So it's only sensible to drain the water in the midst of baking. I also discovered that it is possible to achieve a roasting effect for sauces on top of the tofu, with the use of a little oil. Here is one tofu experiment with wonderful results. 

Recipe: Baked tofu with roasted Shacha sauce and Penang curry paste (for 3)

- 1 package of soft tofu
- 1 tablespoon (TB) Shacha sauce
- 1 TB Penang curry paste
- roast rosemary oil or sesame oil
- 1 TB finely chopped parsley
- 1 TB finely chopped spring onion

Drain tofu for 15 minutes and cut to 12 square slices. Spread an aluminum foil on a baking pan. Coat foil with a little oil. Place tofu pieces flat on the foil. Mix Shacha sauce and Penang curry paste, and spread evenly on each piece of tofu. Rub a little oil on top of the spread on each piece of tofu. Bake at 400F for 20 minutes. If tofu gives out plenty of water while cooking, drain pan. Let continue baking until the spread has sizzled for 5 minutes. Turn off oven, keep warm until serve. Sprinkle chopped parsley and spring onion on top when served. The tofu should be soft inside, while the spread on top of it should be well roasted.

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