
Monday, December 14, 2009

Veal chop to go with red Swiss chard

The first time I saw the red Swiss chard, I thought it were rhubarb. In fact, till now, I can't distinguish between the two apart from tasting them. But I suppose knowing the difference is important since the red swiss chard is edible both leaf and stem, while the rhubarb's leaves have toxin. The leaves of the red Swiss chard actually tastes not bad when raw, though it certainly tastes better with some cooking. People recommend sauteing it leaves and stems in garlic and olive oil. It's not bad eaten that way, but I prefer adding in some meat juice to give it a richer taste of fullness. So one evening, I decided to cook it along with veal chop.

Recipe: Veal chop and red Swiss chard

- 1/2 lb veal chop, 1/4" thin per piece, wiped dry
- 2-3 tablespoon (TB) Worcestershire sauce 
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- 2 cups chopped red Swiss chard, stems and leaves separated
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1-2 TB oil

Coat a flat frying pan with a little oil. Place veal chop on pan and let sizzle on medium heat until brown, flip and fry the other side. Sprinkle Worcestershire sauce on chop and let sizzle until the sauce caramelizes on the bottom side of the chop. Flip and let sauce coat the other side. When done, take out chop. If the oil and meat juice has almost dried out on the hot pan, add 1 TB oil prevent drying. Add chopped garlic and let sizzle for 10 seconds. Add red Swiss chard stems and stir. The water from the stems will deglaze the pan and add the flavor to the vegetable. When the pan is deglazed, add the leaves and season with salt and pepper. Let saute on med-high to high heat until leaves start to soften and shrink a little. Serve right away with veal chop.

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