
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiny lovely Tindora squash

Nature is full of wonders. Today when browsing around in the market, I discovered some very tiny Indian squashes, about the length of my little finger. They are called Tindora squashes.  So I decided to bring home a handful to experiment with them. I halved them and then broiled them on 450F in oven. It took roughly 10 minutes for them to be done. After cooking, the taste and the look of the Tindora squash really reminded me of pickles and mustard. So I pulled out the condiments and herbs in the pantry and tried out some toppings for it.

Recipe: A Tindora squash appetizer

- Tindora squash, halved and broiled
- Dijon mustard
- olive oil or roasted rosemary oil
- bacon bits
- a little of the following finely chopped vegetables and herbs:
* parsley
* spring onion
* white and purple onions
* celery
* carrot

Spread a thin layer of Dijon mustard on the seedy surface of the broiled Tindora squash. Top with a mix of all vegetables, herbs and bacon bits. Sprinkle a few drops of olive or roasted rosemary oil.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen them in market but did not know what they were and how they tasted. These appetizers look very tasty! :)
