
Friday, October 30, 2009

Bringing forth the best of a rye cracker

I bought a pack of plain rye cracker without knowing what it was. After one bite, I told myself there must be some delightful way to break the boredom of plain fiber. I decided to paint a galaxy of tastes and textures on this rye canvas.

Recipe of a delightful snack of prosciutto, cheese and rye cracker

- 2 small slices of prosciutto, about 1 oz
- 1 TB cream cheese
- 2 plain rye crackers
- small pieces of orange sweet pepper
- a few leaves of chinese or italian parsley

Spread cream cheese thinly on rye crackers. Trim prosciutto of fat. Roll into cone and put on top of cheese. Garnish with sweet pepper and parsley leaves. Serve chilled, especially great as an appetizer for a husband that just comes home from work.

After trying this combination, I realized that nothing could make the base of this snack half as well as plain rye. Other crackers simply bring in too much of themselves.

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