
Monday, November 15, 2010

Seafood rice dish

This special dish is for hubby because he is special.

Recipe: Salmon shrimp rice dish (for 1)

- a small piece of salmon fillet, 4 oz, about the size of the palm not counting the fingers
- 7 raw deveined medium shrimps, shelled
- 1/4 cup mayonnaise
- 1 TB heavy whipping cream
- 1/2 tp lemon dill seasoning
- dash of parsley flakes
- 1/3 cup uncooked white jasmine rice
- water

1. Wash uncooked rice and place in a small baking pan. Spread rice flat on pan. Add water, enough to just cover the rice.
2. Place salmon fillet flat on top of rice.
3. Mix mayonnaise with cream and lemon dill. Spread uniformly and generously over salmon and the uncovered rice.
4. Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes in toaster oven, until mayonnaise is very lightly yellow.
5. Add shelled shrimps on top of dish, pressing slightly into the mayonnaise. Return to bake for about 5 minutes, or until shrimps are pink.
6. Sprinkle parsley. Serve right away.

Dish just out of the toaster oven:

Shrimps just cooked, taking about 5 minutes:

Interior, a very thin layer of jasmine rice absorbing all the flavor of the juice from the fish:

Cooked rice, just nice, not too soft, not hard:

1. Only jasmine rice may be cooked this way along with the fish. It absorbs all the flavor of the seafood while cooking.
2. The amount of water is just enough to cover the rice when the rice is spread flatly on the bowl. Use a very thin layer of rice, about 1/4 inch tall.
3. The mayonnaise prevents the fish from overcooking. It's very good as a sauce.

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